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Create emails that get answers in no time with NurtzoAI

Craft unique, personalized emails in just a few clicks. Let NurtzoAI handle your email marketing and never run out of ideas for killer copy.

No credit card required
Generate 89 unique emails in 30 seconds
+15 AI Models
Create your perfect emails

Generate emails that fully reflect your vision by customizing NurtzoAI’s approach to your liking.

Fine-tune impactful parameters, experiment with a comprehensive suite of proven techniques and maximize relevance by allowing NurtzoAI to access data about your brand, customers, and website interactions.

Then, watch your email marketing results skyrocket.

Turn the knowledge from your website into emails

Share a link to one of your webpages with NurtzoAI and watch it learn all about your offering in a flash. Then, let it generate a client-winning email in mere seconds.

Zero hallucinations, just precise communication rooted in your company’s expertise.

Impress clients with genuinely personal messages

Let NurtzoAI access your contacts’ LinkedIn bios, key interactions with your website, and more, and watch it create well thought-out, personalized emails that include the recipient’s context to achieve a level of relevance that makes them feel understood.

Experiment with multiple email versions at once

Tap into artificial intelligence’s neverending creativity.

Discover your preferred approach by letting NurtzoAI explore different marketing frameworks, brand archetypes, empathy levels, and other differentiators to find the most effective strategy for your message.

Generate irresistible email subjects

Pick an email you’ve created with NurtzoAI or your own creation, set your preferences, and receive ten compelling subject lines along with a quality assessment to guide your choice.

Optimize email marketing performance

Use NurtzoAI to create different versions of your preferred emails for A/B testing.

Compare the results to gain insights into your audience's preferences and refine your approach for maximum impact.

Sharpen your writing with expert feedback

Ask NurtzoAI to evaluate your email’s quality and see how it scores across 11 key metrics.

Use AI insights and suggestions to understand the factors driving emails’ performance, deepen your email marketing knowledge, and discover ways to enhance your copy.

Unlock access now and pay as you go

Subscribe to NurtzoAI and get started with a complimentary $5 top-up. Spend credits on AI-generated emails, choosing from 15+ models available at different price points, and top up your Nurtzo balance if you need more credits in a pay-as-you-go model.

Or, for a comprehensive solution

Invest in the full Nurtzo suite to manage all your email marketing needs: download up-to-date contacts, generate quality emails, and run personalized campaigns, all within a single tool.


Craft unique, personalized emails in just a few clicks. Let NurtzoAI handle your email marketing and never run out of ideas for killer copy.
Access to NurtzoAI
Includes $5 top up
Top up NurtzoAI Balance
One-time top up
Generate More Leads, Close More Deals
Unlock AI-powered lead generation. Try it now, for free.
No credit card required